Monthly Archiv: May, 2008

May 30th 2008

A wonderful turnout of Oldboys attended Don’s funeral today at Hemel Hempstead. Although the circumstances were very sad it was good to see so many ‘old’ faces.

I have now moved Neil’s appreciation of Don to a permanent place in Thoughts attached to his “History of Tel Rec”.

May 23rd 2008

A sad day for the VT Oldboys with the death of Don Kershaw who many of us knew and respected all our working lives and into the days of retirement. Neil Pittaway has written an appreciation which you can find from the main menu pages. Rest in peace Don.

May 16th 2008

A major update with the first 50 (or so) of the course photos from the Wood Norton DVD. This has also meant a major rejig of the ETD section with separate sections for TA Course, C Courses etc. I have also removed the jump menus which became totally unmanageable.

May 1st 2008

cpart2_125Finally the DVD from Wood Norton has arrived – thanks to John Paroussi and Royal Mail! Just to give a taster of the course photos, here is C Part 2 Course 125 Group C – no dates, but at least two familiar faces for VT Oldboys…………..

Over the next month, or so, the ETD section will therefore be expanding ……….. quite a bit!!