Monthly Archiv: September, 2013
Ian Norman sent me a video of a live transmission from VT on Saturday, March 14th 1981. He was the cameraman for Swap Shop (Ikegami HL79) – you can find the full version in The 1980s under Swap Shop and in Programmes under VT on TV.
Two instantly recognisable faces in the still above, Murray Needham & Mick Goodenough, but take a look at the still below.
The first still is of the hexaplexer desk, with Al Goddard driving VT10, but who is the editor on VT9 (updating Grandstand titles) and who is the Sports PA?
Nick Martin has just updated the 40s & 50s Reunion website with details of the Tel Rec & Friends Christmas Lunch at Surbiton on Thursday, December 5th.
Also, don’t forget the next Oldboys Lunch at our new venue at Chorleywood on Thursday, September 19th. Emails have gone out to those on the list, but everyone is welcome. Full details in Future Events, and Howard would like to know if you are coming so he can give the pub an idea of numbers.
See you there!
50 years ago today – same place, same time, but in a different car – I joined TA17 at the start of my BBC career. It was all great fun………………
Chris Booth
Dave Rixon has sent me the final details of John’s funeral:-
I have now heard from John’s sister Kay (via Chris Tandy) and the funeral will take place next Thursday September 12th in the Milton Room of the Chilterns Crematorium, Amersham from 15.15.
then afterwards at Missenden Abbey
They have requested no flowers, but donations to the Thames Valley and Chiltern Air Ambulance
I have heard this afternoon from a tennis mate of his that the Cremation will be on Thursday, September 12th. As I write I don’t have details of the location, but I will update as soon as I do.
Update at 19:00 Thursday. Location is the Chilterns Crematorium and the time will be 15:15.
Ian Wimsett has pointed me at the following Planning Applications to redevelop the TVC site which are now available for public viewing on the Hammersmith and Fulham website. There are already more than 400 documents available – the main applications are: 2013/02355/COMB and 2013/02356/LBC.
The ‘Design and Access statements’ are a good place to start and the ‘listed building assessment’ doc and associated photographic survey is interesting – 127 pages of photographs! It is much quicker to download the large docs than try to view them on-line. There are also a few decent historic plans and pictures spread about.
The text has quite a few errors including this about the basement:
The space below the Helios Courtyard was once storage space but, with the addition of a glazed roof structure replacing the grassed surface, the space is now an open plan office.
Thanks Ian – I’m sure many will be interested.