Monthly Archiv: December, 2016

Philip Saville RIP

Many of you will know or have worked with Philip Saville who died on December 22nd.  While I wait for a full obituary, here is an excerpt from his Wikipedia entry.

Saville began his working life as an actor. During the 1960s he directed television plays, such as Harold Pinter’s A Night Out (1960) for ABC’s Armchair Theatre anthology series. He directed over 40 plays for Armchair Theatre and helped pioneer the innovative visual style it became known for, including rapid and intricate camera movements during the often live productions.[1] He also directed Madhouse on Castle Street (1963) for the BBC. The (now lost) production was the first acting appearance of the folk singer Bob Dylan, whom Saville had flown over specifically to take part in the play. Saville’s production of Hamlet at Elsinore (1964) for the BBC pioneered the use of videotape for location recording.[1]

Other significant programmes on which Saville worked include Out of the Unknown (1965) and the Boys from the Blackstuff (1982) for which Saville received a BAFTA to add to his earlier BAFTA for Hamlet at Elsinore, and The Life and Loves of a She-Devil (1986).