Monthly Archiv: June, 2009

June 24th 2009

boba1I’ve just added Bob Abraham’s Obituary to the website. A sad item to read, as are all obituaries, but it does bring back memories of the Moscow Olympics in 1980. The security was very tight – VT had a mini rebellion over cameras (film) being x-rayed every time we entered or left a building, but Bob spent the entire games with a photograph of a gorilla on his Olympic ID. The VT movie, “Carry on Cosmos” captured the moment when Bob gives the IOC President, Lord Killanin, with a BBC pin (left).






boba2And, although the material has a chequered history, Ikegami > VPR20 > VPR2 > VHS > DVD you can just about see the gorilla in the circled area of the second picture on the right.!