December 14th 2007
Today marks the end of the link to the original Oldboys website, and all its files have been removed from the server. This has been causing problems with our search engine and producing rather weird results.
The old link button had been renamed Happenings, and I hope to provide a, sort of, diary here recording the odd contacts and information that has no specific place on the website. So do check in regularly! New information will be added at the top so there shouldn’t be too much scrolling. Everything will be kept.
Howard (Dell) reports that, on Thursday, he had a very good lunch with, amongst others, Syd Lotterby (right)
On the subject of lunches, the next A40 Faction lunch has been set for Thursday, March 13th 2008 at the usual venue, The Stag at Chorleywood.
At the recent Christmas Lunch at Surbiton, John Martin asked me to promote the next 40s & 50s (and others!) lunch at Glenmore House on May 22nd 2008. More details when we get them. Nick Martin is hoping to produce some pages for this website detailing future events. You can find full details in Future Events.