October 8th 2010
Information about Roger Harvey’s funeral has just come in from John Llewellyn.
“Roger’s funeral is on Friday 15th October, 09.40 at Kingston Crematorium. At the moment the plans are family only; no flowers. This might change. Cause of death was heart-failure. Please pass this information on and I will send further e-mails if I hear of any developments.”
John has a fairly vast distribution list and we will try and keep you up to date here as well.
Wrong Geoff! (see below) I’ve just received an email from Geoff Taylor (Shift 1 boss at the time) :-
“I was never one for keeping a detailed diary, but often jotted down the highlights of GMcDonough’s message from the day before, as relayed on audio cassette. For what it’s worth, on 31 October 1978, I find the entry “Editor:KP”. So the money’s on Ken Pimenta getting the job, unless someone knows better!”
Over to you Ken!!!