Nial Brown Update
I’ve just received this from Sarah, Nial’s wife:-
Hi – I’ve been meaning to write an update for Nial for ages – sorry I’ve been a bit rubbish at that but in my defence I have never in my life been so busy! So Nial is doing really well – he’s improved in all ways since he got out of hospital. I won’t say it’s not been very tough, but I’ve got great faith in the wee man – as we all know he has the motivation and necessary obsessive streak to play the very long game that we have to play. The nice weather’s helped a bit too! He’s got a fairly gruelling routine – not quite as many therapy sessions as Penny thought, but something most days and masses of practice with me in between. Loads of really dull repetitive exercises to try to teach the right brain to make contact with his right side, and to stretch out all the damage that can take place in the muscles after a stroke. I’ve never before appreciated the skill of a physio, but it really is an amazing thing. He also has to submit himself to a hour a day of mild electrocution to his arm and hand – again to try to get the muscles and brain to speak to each other, and the physio is going to try out this kind of mechanical glove on him, which artificially gives you some movement so again you can do an exercise over and over and try to make contact with the right brain that way. Speech therapy is the same – tons of repetition every day. You may now have all dropped off – this is the limit of my conversation these days! Nial’s working really hard at keeping himself positive – I hope he will be able to keep that going for as long as it will take, but we do still have a laugh. We are both so grateful to everyone who has rallied round for us, and to everyone who has donated to the therapy fund – I just can’t believe how generous and caring you all are. He will get better because of you all – simple as that…