Steve Newnham – update
Some of you may have heard of Steve’s ‘visit’ to Harefield Hospital back in June – he had to miss the Pyrford lunch.
It proved rather problematical with him finishing up up in Intensive care.
Martin Drake visited with him on Monday:-
I managed to get in and see Steve in Harefield on Monday. He’s making progress slowly but has had a few set backs. The work on the heart is now all good but he has suffered from fluid on the lungs so been back into theatre for that and also now fluid in the abdomen which is draining slowly. This was causing him some quite severe stomach cramps when I visited but fortunately Hilary (his wife) rang to say that this problem was a lot better the next day so hoping for continued improvement. He’s on the normal ward now and hopefully transferring to Wycombe as soon as the drains are out but its going to be a long road to full recover as he has been so weakened by all the surgery and length of time out of action. He was grateful for the visit ( I took Hilary over with me which worked well she left us for an hour or so and then stayed on and got a taxi back) I’ll let you know when he gets transferred but in the meantime if you could pass this on to the old boys along with Steve’s greetings that would be great. I have got a mobile for Hilary now if you wanted to check about visiting.
To contact Martin who has a new email address click here
Buggeration – as a happy and generally healthy recipient of major heart surgery (only, it has to be said, a ceramic valve), I wish him well. During my brief sojoun in TelRec, Steve was always helpful, informative and entertaining, as well as being (obviously) a bloody good engineer.
My thoughts are with him and those close to him at a difficult time
Hi Tony
I just caught up with your comment, just to say thank you for your thoughts and I’m getting back to where I was before things started to go down the pan.